PKR Sabah begins reshuffle to be fighting fit for 2025

Posted: June 2, 2024 in Anwar Ibrahim, chief minister of Sabah, GRS, Pakatan Harapan, Sabah, Sabah PKR, Tun Mustapha Marine Park

Preparing for the upcoming Sabah state elections next year, the Sabah PKR  began an organisational revamp, appointing a new state unit chief in Sabah.

Mustapha Sakmud has been officially appointed as Chairman of PKR Sabah State Leadership Council. Mustapha is the Deputy Minister of Higher Education.

Following the internal struggles in Sabah PKR, Mustapha effectively replaced Sangkar Rasam.

Apart from Mustapha, the party announced the appointment of Inanam Assemblyman Peto Galim to lead Sabah PKR state election committee.

The new appointments are aimed at minimising possible losses and maximising gains for the party for the upcoming state elections.

In the meantime, PMX Anwar Ibrahim has pledged in Kota Kinabalu yesterday during the Sabah state-level Kaamatan Festival celebration that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) including PKR will remain loyal and work and cooperate in the next Sabah State elections with Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) and Hajiji’s leadership.

Meet Sabah PKR’s new lineup for 2024:

Chairman: Datuk Mustapha Sakmud
Deputy Chairman: Peto Galim
Secretary: Sazalye Donol
Treasurer: Abdul Razak Jamil
Information Chief: Razeef Rakimin
Communications Director: Mohd Amin Abdul Mem
Executive Secretary: Wendey Agong Baruh
Assistant Secretary: Thonny Chee
Deputy Information Chief: Milus Alu
Assistant Executive Secretary: Remysta Taylor

  1. PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat), being Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s party, may be useful for the GRS (Gabungan Rakyat Sabah) government led by Chief Minister Hajiji Noor, through the Sabah Chapter.

    PKR has had colourful times in Sabah, having witnessed many ups and downs.

    DCM 1 Dr Jeffrey Kitingan was at one time senior vice president of PKR but was never appointed Sabah PKR Chief. Jeffrey wanted election for the Sabah PKR Chief’s post. It didn’t happen. Jeffrey quit PKR in January 2011.

    The rest remains even more history.

    Sabah needs strong leadership.

    Jeffrey, along with Hajiji and DCM II Joachim Gunsalam and DCM III Shahelmey Yahya make up strong team in the Sabah Cabinet.

    The days when the parti parti Malaya led the Sabah government from 1994 until 2018, an unprecedented 24 years, are over. The local parties leading the Sabah government remains Idea whose time came in 2018.

    The parti parti Malaya in Sabah aren’t needed for simple majority. The jury might still be out on whether they are needed for two-thirds majority.

    If the parti parti Malaya cannot help persuade the Federal government on the 40 per cent annual revenue reimbursement due Sabah since 1963, they will be like fish out of water. The Sabah government will control the 40 per cent when the Federal government complies. At present, Putrajaya controls whatever Sabah gets from the annual national budget, Malaysia Plans, and grants.

    Ideally, in taking the cue for example from Acheh in northern Sumatra, Sabah should 70 per cent reimbursement on the revenue collected in the Territory by the Federal government i.e. another 30 per cent over and above the 40 per cent enshrined in the Federal Constitution. The 30 per cent can be controlled jointly by the Sabah and Malaysia government.

    It can be argued that Sabah was being internally colonised if it gets less than the 70 per cent revenue reimbursement.

    South Sudan provides case study on internal colonisation. The UN Security Council (UNSC) paved the way for South Sudan’s independence on 9 July 2011.


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