Archive for the ‘Tun Dr Mahathir’ Category

PN chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin who has played an instrumental role in the formation of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) has been sidelined now.

On Sept 4, four mentri besar of Perikatan-led states had a meeting with Dr Mahathir and have agreed in principle to form a strategic cooperation and investments group called State Government Four (SG4). PN Chairman Muhyiddin Yassin was not invited for this meeting.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s appointment as the unofficial advisor to the co-operation group of four PN/PAS-held states with the assent from the PAS’s top leadership is what rattled Muhyiddin the most.

Muhyiddin was not given the importance he was expecting within the Opposition Alliance. That he has been eyeing to be prime minister again is an open secret, even though he has been claiming that he does not need anything and is just trying to unite the Malay community together on one platform.

Such selfless talks coming from a man who has retained the prime minister chair for 17 months between 2020 and 2021 by declaring an emergency by shifting allegiance and changing ideology may appear incongruous to many discerning observers. Seeing his nature of switching sides for his own gains, it is being said that no one trusts Muhyiddin.

Will Muhyiddin change colour again? Can Muhyidden change sides once again? Why not! His political trajectory has been marked by remarkable flexibility when it comes to remaining in power by hook or by crook.

But also tension is brewing between Bersatu secretary-general Hamzah Zainudin and supreme council member Azmin Ali and they appear to have had a serious falling-out, threatening to further destabilise Bersatu.

If speculations are to be believed, things may boil over in Bersatu in the coming months, with Hamzah supposedly already being given the cold shoulder by Muhyiddin. The coalition’s poor showing in the recent Johor state election has further aggravated the situation.

Muhyiddin has his own problems, still has three money-laundering charges. The graft charges revolved around the award of contracts to selected ethnic Malay contractors allegedly in return for bribes, and approving an appeal by a business tycoon over the cancellation of his tax exemption. Even his son-in-law, Adlan Berhan, is now on the run from the law and is a fugitive.

For Dr Mahathir, however, perhaps, is attempting to beat Muhyiddin in his own Machiavellian game. It remains to be seen whether Muhyiddin swallows his pride again or treats the latest crisis as the final nail in the coffin.

BASED on news reports, there are two important issues surrounding the Sulu claim:

1) The claim for compensation (money) and
2) The territorial claim by the Philippines Government

Compensation is simple to settle, it is just a case of paying an agreed sum. The claim of territory is very very serious. It is a matter for both the Philippines and Malaysian Government to discuss amicably.

Malaysia need to consider that the Philippines is a bigger and progressive country with a population nearing 120 million. Remember the United States of America is 100% supporting the Philippines on any dispute.

The Sultanate of Sulu may have long gone, but Sulu remains a province of the Philippines. Therefore, whether there is a Sultan or not, is not the important issue. Every Philippines President has historically reiterated their continued pursuit of their territorial claim on Sabah. The recent statement by last President Rodrigo Duterte that the Philippines will continue with its claim on Sabah is food for thought.

The Sulu Archipelago is big with a population of nearly 5 million. It is bestowed with natural resources such as oil and gas and is considered one of the richest fishing grounds in the world.

It is not understood why Malaysia entertained the Sulu claim for compensation believed during Shafie Apdal’s Warisan time when a delegation including former lady AG allegedly went to Madrid to answer the claim when they could have easily ignored it.

The consequences of that action when the late Warisan MP was the Law Minister put the nation in a difficult situation. Hopefully, we will hear Warisan’s side of story.

Based on the archives, the British had acknowledged and accepted that the Sultan of Sulu mortgaged Sabah for a fee of $5000.00 per year.

The British in relinquishing its colonies and mandated by the United Nations, had handed over Sabah to Malaysia. Sabah was granted independence for two weeks before she joined Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore to form the Federation of Malaysia.

Therefore, the Sulu heirs should direct their claim for compensation to the British and not Malaysia. Unfortunately, Malaysia during Warisan time and when Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister gladly entertained the claim, although, Dr Mahathir later said it was done without his or Federal Cabinet’s knowledge or approval.

Malaysian officials entertaining the Suluk claim can only be deemed to justify their ‘legal work’ to go overseas. It is all for the just cause of ‘fighting the Sulu claim’ that they need to travel to Europe to fight the case. That is all.

Legally the following are important considerations;

* The Sulu Sultan signed the mortgage in perpetuity for $5000.00 (Mexican Dollar) a year. The British and Malaysian governments had paid the annual disbursement until 2013 after the Lahad Datu incursions.

* The Sultan had mortgaged the land and not his title as “Sultan”.

Justice Charles Macaskie made the judgement in 1939 to whom $5000.00 annual cession money is to be paid to.

Based on these facts, the Sulu or Philippine Province should direct their claim to the British and not the Malaysian Government. Malaysia just accepted Sabah in good faith.


This came out yesterday in the Daily Express Sunday FORUM.

By: X’roy Bogel

The Eastern Standard Times

Malaysia is on the fast lane to becoming a failed state and don’t blame the Covid 19 virus, it had and will have nothing to do with that, there is one person who stands out and there is no denying he is the only one.

Mahathir Mohamad , he will go down on history as the architects for the failure of this Nation.

He is a racist, has always been one an extreme right wing fascist.

If you look at his policies right from the very beginning he stepped into the political ring, Mahathir Mohamed was so full of hatred for the other races.

In the run up of the 1969 elections where he stood as an Alliance candidate, he told the non Malays that this country belongs to the Malays, and that the others were given citizenship by courtesy of the Malays and that privilege could be taken back. The Malays were the masters of this country.

In the 1969 elections ceramah he told the Chinese who came to see his Ceramah that they need not be there, he didn’t want their vote and that he could win without their vote, he could win on the Malays vote alone.

Today he claims in his Malay circles of course that the Chinese decided to “punish him.”

Did they “punish him” far from it they just did what he told them to do and he was defeated by Hj Yusof Rawa who’d later become a friend of mine, a fine gentleman who quit PAS and quit “Parti NASMA” the day Raja Nasrom of NASMA decided to try and form an Alliance with PAS, that’s another story.

After losing the seat by his own making, he got terribly angry with the Chinese, you could say he went mad, (but isn’t he always mad) Dr Mahathir started attacking the Chinese and accused them of stealing the wealth of the country.

He also attacked Tunku Abdul Rahman and called him a “Chinese lover”, and began inciting the Malays to the extent I have called him before the real architect of May 13 1969.

Every-time someone asks the non Malays, “do you want a repeat of May 13” even today Mahathir smiles. Have the cops charged any body for that offense?

That has made the radicals nurtured by Mahahtir Mohammed even more arrogant they go on saying it without any concern, they threaten other races, politicians and especially the Chinese with this without any care and yet nothing is done.

Throughout his tenure we witnessed huge problems of his making in the country, after successfully killing one our largest exports an natural resources -Tin, by sheer stupidity of trying to corner the London Tin Market something he knew next to nothing about and losing millions for the country if measured at todays value billions, he managed the downfall of Bank Bumiputra Malaysia.

He was the master of wanting to play the games in the markets, having failed in commodities he went to money and lost billions there for us too.

Bank Bumiputra had to be rescued by other banks, and if there is anyone to blamne the buck stops at the top and it was Mahathir Mohammed.

With that in hand the extreme right wing Malay has run wild and lose, that animal form the cage is what is going to get this country down the road to becoming a failed state.

Prime Ministers that followed were no exception they allowed the right wing Malay politicians the freedom to use that card, the May 13 card, just to do two things to win Malay support and to intimidate the non Malays, they have done it time and time again and even Najib did it just prior to May 13 and guess what?

Muhyiddin was with Najib him on that stage in the former TPCA stadium now known as the Tun Razak stadium.

Another thing TPCA stood for Tamil Physical Cultural Association.

There have been countless occasions when this was done, famous ones like Kerishamuddin is one, Kerishamuddin’s was very much like his cousin’s Najib in the TPCA stadium, this was on the eve of Operations Lallang.

Then to move fast forward, Mahathir eventually became Prime Minister of Malaysia, and his initial dream was to create a thousand Malay Millionaires, yes to create the Malay Millionaire in fact he created more and many went bust as we all know too.

He was not concerned how he did it, as long as he did it and that 1000 positions and more were reserved for those who would be his cronies, of course his children got a huge part of that pie,

Among the Malay millionaires he created were members of his family and that is no secret it is known globally so with him came nepotism, then there were others his cronies there were so many and this man who accused the Tunku of being a Chinese lover actually made few Chinese Billionaires too, and people wonder if these are billionaires in proxy for him, because as the Prime Minister he could not get into business and he actually had no faith in the Malays to run his business, so he appointed these Chinese and gave them the easy road to success, and I guess you know just who I am talking about. These were the cronies.

There were Malay groups not in line with him he got rid of them, he could cheat and win and that he did in the UMNO Elections where Tengku Razeleigh Hamzah took on him as a result of Razeleigh’s challenge on the validity of the election results the court declared UMNO illegal and almost immediately Mahathir formed UMNO Baru.

Why UMNO Baru?

Many people even the Malay elite do not know the real reason for this. The UMNO in existence today is not the UMNO founded by Onn Bin Jaafar in 1946, no, no, NO.

Today’s UMNO was founded by Mahathir Mohamed, he will be credited for it in History. Mahathir has engineered the History of this country and made a mockery of it so that no one will know that the Malays are not really ethnic in this land.

The ethnic people of this land are the aborigines and not the so called Malay which has never been a race but rather a qualification, and that is why we see people of so many races being called Melayu today.

In his heart of hearts he envied the Chinese, he admired their work ethic, he hoped the Malays could be like them, he wanted the Malays to be like them but he could not tell them that, so what did he do?

He created the “Look East Policy,” all the people in the far East, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Taiwanese were all a hard working lot, the Asian Tigers came from that region Japan was not an Asian Tiger it already was the Lion of Asia in that sense, the look east was to tell the Malays to look at the Chinese at home.

His plan backfired like it always did and does.

The Chinese in Malaysia took to the look East Policy and prospered, the Malays were just losing everywhere and at every turn, except for those who were awarded mega Government contracts, and monopolies like the famous Approved Permits (AP) that made instant millionaires of selected Malays.

PERNAS failed, MISC had to be run by a non Malay, MAS failed miserably and in every enterprise he appointed a crony it failed and miserably too, nevertheless these cronies became millionaires and as we have seen by some recent disclosures billionaires too.

I guess both of the Prime Ministers who followed him felt that they were anointed to become billionaires any one way it did not matter.

Now after Najib defied him and refused him a number of things he had asked for he turned against Najib, prior to that he even defended Najib for his oath in the mosque saying he did not do it he took an oath.

Well he put Najib in cuffs now and I believe he is the power behind the throne not wanting to look like the wicked selfish crook he really is, then used Muhyidin to engineer this coup with Azmin who is very disposable and believe me he will be disposed of in time.

Now he had to get rid of the Pakatan Harapan government because the gravy train stopped on its tracks the day Lim Guan Eng became the Finance Minister of the country.

With this Chinaman Lim Guan Eng the gravy train not only came to a stop, all the railway stations that ferried the gravy train were shut and there was no way these elite were going to be fed for free on money meant for the people.

Well if the money went to the rakyat, then there was nothing there for them, they want to be continuously fed, many need to be continuously fed or their projects will come to a standstill, that habit of over spending and getting the government to bail them out was no more there, they had already overspent and the bailout was not happening so what was the recourse.

Start pointing fingers to the Chinese again just like he did in 1969, the were the bogeymen the Malays had learned to love to kick even without really knowing why?

Did the Chinese or for that matter Lim Guan Eng misappropriate Tabung Haji money?

Did he misappropriate KWAP funds?

Was he in any way connected to Jho Low and the Billions that went to the pocket of what what was termed a kleptocrat?

In fact Lim Guan Eng was in the process of trying to recover all this money and there was an amount due from the US Justice department seizure so why.

The only reason is the gravy train, and yet another Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar has always maintained that he knows exactly how the Mahathir clan massed their wealth.
He has maintained that if he became PM he was not going to send Mahathir to jail only that he’d ask Mahathir to return all that ill gotten wealth.

Mahathir was always fearful of that, he could not allow Anwar back because he himself knows that he actually incarcerated the poor fellow, he knows what he did to him and he does not believe that Anwar will let him go so he was not going to allow Anwar to succeed him.

As the pressure from PH began pushing Mahathir to the corner he got Muhyiddin and Azmin to make the move.

If you had followed the case he never committed to Pakatan, he did not know Muhyidin would go for the juggler, he submitted his resignation feeling confident he would come back as PM, but once he submitted it he was gone.

The King they say appointed Muhyiddin on a count he personally made, Mahathir claimed he had another count and asked the King for an audience, the King had made up his mind, he had already given Mahathir the courtesy of one appointment where he submitted his resignation, the King even asked him to stay on as caretaker so the King wonders why the King did not call in his caretaker Prime Minister to inform him that he’d have to give way for his successor Muhyiddin that would have been appropriate, but the King who has the authority in this matter decided to keep Mahathir in the cold.

Mahathir got a taste of his own medicine from the King.

The government of today is a government not by the people, an neither is it of the people but they claim at least the Prime Minister that it is for the people. How can this government be for the people when it is the very people it cheated and continues to do so even in allocation of food during this covid 19 pandemic, and where the PM is fearful to act because he does not have the support to do so, he is back door, and does not have the numbers to support his any move.

For the people? A government which has actually the minority and to survive to ensure people do not hop back a cabinet that is so much larger that that of China, or India and even the USA.

With so many ministers who have become famous within this short span, a few stand out for being so stupid, they are the Minisiter of Health, the Minisster of higher Education, the Deputy Minister of Health who has just had found guilty of breaking MCO and yet Muhyiddin says he has no time for politics.

The fact is Muhyiddin can’t multi task leave alone run a government, he is overwhelmed and so too is the people traitor Azmin, nothing is coming out of them to reprimand, put in place or rightfully sack these incompetent fools who make bigger fools of themselves each time they open their mouths.

Muhyiddin is clueless in the present situation, he has been taught to tell the people just stay at home and has the audacity to tell the people, “Even though you did not vote for us we still care for you,” a greater fool than this with a more foolish statement I have yet to see.

Getting back to Mahathir Mohammed this half baked doctor who always though he had all the prescriptions for the country and could lead the Malays into a phenomenally successful race, turned out to be a tyrant who acctually used his office and trained his successors to do the same – to pillage from the Malaysians and most of all from the Malays.

Today one of his anointed successors, a globally renowned kleptocrat is looking at freedom and in the process seeking ways not only to get back his place in government but also to take revenge on those who exposed him and regardless if he manages to take office or not the trend has been set for the future Prime Ministers of this country who will come from a select few in the society to plunder the wealth of this nation at the expense of its people and to flee when the coffers are all empty.

Mahathir Mohammed who through Mahterism has successfully set this country on a course to become a failed state.

To get out of it we have to eliminate him and his successors still in the system, that is Najib, Muhyiddin, Hishamuddin, Zahid, Anuar Musa, Hadi Awang, Azmin, and the many more.
Ths system has to be purged.

The gravy train must be thrown out of its tracks, any semblance of a track and the crooks will set it rolling again.

Can we stop it.


Raids are on political figures across the country, even if they are now restricted to only non-Pakatan Harapan leaders, should be welcome. People who accumulate money by misusing powerful positions must be brought to book.

BUT it would amount to nothing but vendetta if leaders of Dr Mahathir’s Bersatu, PKR, Amanah and others in the PH are exempted, including Party Warisan. It cannot be anyone’s case that PH leaders or their allies don’t amass money. A scrutiny of their Election Commission submissions will be quite revealing.

I have been saying this for quite some time. Why go far, raid the chieftains of all parties and their relations and you will come to know about others. Also check all the diary entries of all businessman to know who all did they pay over the years, not dismissing them as “Routine Accounts”. Then the crimes like rapes and murders by politicians, now that people have started coming out to allege sexual harassment by leaders.

As far as Borneo states are concerned certain correction is happening now. Till recently some big time business tycoons and politicians are untouched as entire income tax department and the corruption agency here was in the hands of those people who were with Barisan National Putrajaya. Following the breakup of Barisan National after GE 14 there are searches.

Dr Mahathir is no holy cow in using institutions like ACA now called MACC, and the Tax Department. During his 22 years rule countless times he used them against other party leaders as well as his own party leaders who revolted, he is doing it again. See what he did to Musa Aman just two days before the court verdict for the rightful Chief Minister of Sabah? He charged Musa Aman for corruption. He charged Musa Aman for a case which was closed 14 years ago, he resurrected the case and charged Musa Aman for corruption.

Why did the charges against Musa come just two days before the court is set to rule on his challenge against Mohd Shafie Apdal’s legitimacy as Sabah’s current chief minister? Is it not to influence the judiciary? Is this not selective prosecution? And worst still, as speculated in the social media, the judge involved in the ruling has been promoted to the Court of Appeal.

Another side of the story. Ideally action should be taken against all irrespective of their political affiliations. But if corrupt are taken to task even as pure vendetta it is welcome. Next time when the other comes to power they should also take action by way of vendetta, and the score will be settled. But my guess is that even these vendetta are just for public consumption.

Credibility comes when you do it to your own also. When Fidel Castro ordered the nationalisation of all big farms in Cuba, the first farm expropriated was that of his father.

For immediate release:

I laud Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed’s assurance on restoring the status of Sabah and Sarawak in accordance with Malaysia Agreement 1963.

It is indeed a timely announcement made on Malaysia Day, reflecting the true historical meaning of the date itself.

The restoration of the status of Sabah and Sarawak in accordance with MA63 is something that Sabah leaders have been striving for.

It is also one of the ideals that the previous administration pursued in the spirit of cordial Federal-State relations.

The announcement by the Prime Minister shows that he understands the sentiments of the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

I believe the support to restore the rights under MA63 comes from both sides of the political divide.

Hence, it is our hope that the proposal to restore Sabah and Sarawak’s status in line with MA63 will be hastened.

Such a move will strengthen the Federation of Malaysia, reduce the development gap between East and Peninsula Malaysia and improve the welfare of the people in Sabah and Sarawak.

Tan Sri Musa Haji Aman
September 17, 2018