Posts Tagged ‘Indira Gandhi BBC inverview’

Indira Gandhi’s interview with Jonathan Dimbleby for BBC after her defeat in 1977. The interviewer presses her hard and asks difficult questions, but she answers. She is clearly on a sticky wicket but doggedly braves it out. What a great interview! She faced so many tough questions, but she never backed down, answered all of them in a polite and dignified manner.

But somebody we know has walked out for far less. Remember the famous interview where Al Jazeera’s Mary Ann Jolley grilled our former prime minister Najib Razak over several allegations. In the interview for Al Jazeera’s 101 East programme, Najib was questioned on numerous scandals linked to him such as the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal and murder of Mongolian translator, Altantuya Shaariibuu. So hard-hitting were the questions that Najib had to walkout.

Anyway, can any of our current flock of super leaders even have a conversation like that of Indira Gandhi?